Rebecca Romo’s Baby Boy is Here!

So happy to announce that my baby boy was born yesterday on 7/11/22. Which happens to be National Slurpee Day at a popular gas station and I’m wondering if this means he gets free Slurpees for life!

Rebecca Romo Baby Boy

Chance Edward “ChET’ Teague was born at
9:22pm at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis. His middle name is after his uncle, his grandfather, great grandfather, AND his great great grandfather. We chose Chance because as you know we’ve had a very very long journey towards completing our family, but despite the odds and setbacks we still took the chance. In the past 5 years I’ve had multiple miscarriages including 2 that took place after hearing a heartbeat which is when they’ll tell you statistically only 5% of people will miscarry, but lightening can strike twice. We did 3 rounds of IVF that only gave us 2 embryos. Very disappointing when many women end up with embryos in double digits from just 1 cycle, but we pressed on. When the first of our transfers (a perfect embryo by IVF standards) didn’t work my Mother-in-Law called me brave. It’s funny because in our moment of grief and sadness, the last thing I felt was brave. But it stuck with me and I began to realize that bravery is not hiking Mount Everest it’s putting emotions on the line, opening yourself up to the possibility of heartbreak, and still deciding to take the chance. Throughout our lives, my husband and I have taken the road less travelled. We’ve always been people who chose to do things others might have seen as risky or non traditional, but we took the chance. I wanted a name that reflected this journey we went on to create our family. He always says that he’s so grateful that I took a chance on him, uprooted my life from England, and moved to the Cape. My hope is that whenever we look at our son we are reminded that being brave might bring some hard times but it’s worth a chance.

About Rebecca Romo

Rebecca Romo hosts Feel Good Mornings weekday mornings from 6-10 am on 99.9 The Q. Originally from New Orleans, she moved to Cape to be with her husband a second generation Cape Codder.
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