Make 2020 the year of the Great Kindness Challenge

National Kindness Week has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to make the world a kinder placeOkay, I’m late to the game, but life happens.

Work, kids, sports, obligations happen, but it’s such an important topic that it deserves an encore. We can choose to spread kindness every day, all year long; not just for one day or week 

It’s easy enough to romanticize doing a good deed on National Random Act of Kindness Day, but imagine spreading kindness all year long.

I’m not talking about the DonnieWahlberg$2,000tip kind of kindness (I wish we ALL could afford to be that generous) but, rather the ordinary, everyday variety of generosity.

Take for instance: doing something without being asked, creating a family gratitude jar, donating school supplies to your child’s class, making a donation to a pet shelter/food bank, or simply volunteering in your community.

There are countless ways you can make a difference.  

While you might not be able to measure the impact of your actions on others, don’t underestimate the benefits that choosing kindness can have on you. So much of the fanfare is given to how the act has helped the recipient; let’s talk about the benefits to the giver.

Science calls it the “helpers high. Your body’s feel-good chemicals kick into overdrive, helping to reduce stress, promote happiness and is great for your overall mental health. Not to mention doing good will motivate you to do good again, and talk about a great experience to share with your kids! 

Maybe you’re like me and, despite your best intentions, are late to the party.

No worries, there isn’t an expiration on kindness. Spread it around often and generously! 

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