Some days my head spins with all that is going on in the world; so much negativity, hate and violence. It used to be that you’d turn on the evening news to learn of all the doom and gloom but, in today’s world of connectivity, it’s 24/7 updates as they are happening, with instant notifications straight to our phones. Like any good double-edged sword, I need to keep atop of events happening in the world, but who needs that much negativity in his/her life?
Maybe that’s why I’m noticing hearts EVERYWHERE. A friend of mine has been saying for years that she sees hearts everywhere – and she’s right!
I’m sure if you look hard enough, and squint your face up, you could make just about anything look like a heart, but sometimes the proof is right there in front of your face.
Maybe it’s a food, something in nature, in a splat of bird poop on your windshield – signs not nearly as loud or brazen, but subtle signs to remind you that love is all around us.
When I find a heart, I treat it as a reminder that goodness and love do exist in the world and that we can do our part to offset some of the negativity.
Have you noticed a heart? Or will you be on the lookout for them? Let’s see yours; email me at [email protected].