Take this tough Presidential Quiz from CapeCod.com below! It’s only 10 questions long, but you'll have a tough time acing this one. Stay tuned to … [Read more...]
Photo Quiz: Cape Cod or Not?
Think you know the Cape? Can you identify it by a photo? Take this quiz below to see how well you can recognize the Cape just by a single … [Read more...]
QUIZ: The Cape Cod Baseball League
Take this fun Cape Cod Baseball League Quiz! It’s only 10 questions long, but you’ll have a tough time acing this one. Stay tuned to CapeCod.com … [Read more...]
Fact or Fiction: Cape and Island’s Ghostly Stories
It's the end of October, which means it's time for ghost stories on Cape Cod! Take our "Fact or Fiction" Quiz about Cape Cod Ghost Stories! … [Read more...]
Take CapeCod.com’s April Fool’s Quiz!
Think you know the Cape? Take this tough April Fool's Day Quiz below! It’s only 10 questions long, but you'll have a tough time acing this … [Read more...]
QUIZ: How well do you know Cape Cod?
Think you know Cape Cod? Take our first quiz on CapeCod.com below! It's only 13 questions long and pretty basic, so you should easily be able to ace … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
Provincetown Continues Successful Housing Initiative
Massachusetts Customers Can Expect Credit On April Electric Bills
State Officials Criticize Federal Cuts to Food Programs Serving Students
Cape Cod Commission to Decide if Wychmere Hotel can Expand
Court Martial Hearing For Jack Teixeira This Week
Camp Edwards And Fort Hill To Undergo Prescribed Burns
Feds Order Review Of Lightning-Damaged Vineyard Wind Turbine
Massachusetts Attorney General Joins Suit Against Federal Layoffs
Eminent Domain Letters Out for Sagamore Bridge Project
Bourne Recovering From Cybersecurity Incident
Eastham Emergency Dispatch Transfers To Barnstable Sheriff’s Office
Barnstable Sheriff’s Office Inviting Citizens To Talk To Inmates
Legislative Breakfast Next Week To Focus On Senior Issues