YARMOUTH – From Yarmouth Police: After 5 years, the members of the Yarmouth Police Department reflect upon the life and legacy of Sergeant Sean M. Gannon. We remember the dedication to service he exemplified serving our community.
Sean’s calm demeanor and pragmatic approach to problem solving set an example for others to follow. He was a man of high moral character and a left a legacy of doing the right thing when no one is looking; integrity. He never sought recognition or reward, but acted as if his actions were reward enough. The loss of our brother, co-worker, and friend is one that never gets easier, and on this day, it is especially difficult.
The overwhelming support the citizens of Yarmouth, Cape Cod, and beyond continues to this day and we are exceptionally grateful.
The following is a letter from the Gannon Family:
K9 Sgt. Sean M. Gannon E.O.W 4-12-18
An Open Letter from the Gannon Family
April 12, 2023
On this fifth anniversary of Sean’s untimely death, may we take this opportunity to thank the thousands of people who continue to keep his memory and legacy alive through the countless memorials, letters, honors and ultimately, the gift of friendship to our family. Moreover, the good that continues to emerge from such a grievous loss not only to our family but to the community that Sean served with distinction reveals the innate goodness of people that goes beyond the pale. The qualities of compassion, generosity, self-sacrifice, a strong work ethic and basic decency that define Sean to his core continue to emerge that preserve not only his memory but bring a light of hope into a dark world. Sean shone his light in his all too brief life. Now we can best remember him by doing the same.
As Sean’s widow Dara has previously stated, “No gesture of kindness is too small. Without seeking attention for himself, Sean acted on his principles and led by example.” We can do likewise. In this fifth anniversary of Sean’s death we can best honor Sean’s sacrifice and legacy by our care for one another and for the greater good in the world.
To you all, our deepest thanks.
The Gannon Family