HARWICH – About a year ago, the grandson of former Call Firefighter Charlie Pratt came to visit Harwich and the firehouse. He brought with him several photos of his grandfather along with some badges and items that had been kept by the family.
One of these badges was a gold life member badge in a presentation case. While no one seemed to recall when these badges were issued, or when the practice stopped, it was decided this would be a great way to recognized our life members and their service to the Harwich Fire Association and the Town.
The one common thread that connects everyone who serves as a firefighter is helping their fellow citizen. Regardless of what our reason for becoming a firefighters is /was, service is that common thread that connects us all.
17 retires accepted the badges as our grateful acknowledgement of your service to the Town and the Association.
ha031823 HFD life member gold badges from Cape Wide News LLC on Vimeo.