Updated: Vehicle crashes into utility pole, house in Centerville

CENTERVILLE – A traffic crash reportedly resulted in a vehicle striking a utility pole and then careening into a house in Centerville. Rescuers rushed to Old Stage Road just south of Old Post Road about sometime after 8:30 PM Saturday evening. EMTs called for a MedFlight helicopter to land at the Cape Cod Airfield on Route 149 to fly the driver to an off-Cape trauma center. Old State Road was closed between Old Post Road and Main Street because of the damaged utility pole which Eversource crews were called to assess. A building inspector was called to check the extent of damage to the house. No injuries were reported in the house.
From Centerville-Osterville-Marstons Mills (COMM) Fire: At 8:40 PM Sunday, COMM Fire Department as well as Barnstable Police received a call for a car into a house. On scene crews found a car off the road with a single occupant with injuries. The vehicle left the roadway striking a guide wire for a utility pole, the house at 139 Old Stage Road, a fence as well as a temporary power meter not currently in service. The occupant was transported to Cape Cod Airfield in Marstons Mills and met by a MedFlight helicopter to be transported to Rhode Island Hospital.

The town of Barnstable Building Inspector was requested to the scene due the damage to the structure. The structure was found to be structurally sound.

Erversource was requested to due to the damage to the utility pole guide wire and to inspect the pole for damage.

COMM fire stood by the scene assisting Barnstable Police with lighting, and to secure the vehicle of any hazards during and after removal.

Photos via Cape Cod Incidents/CWN

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