Updated funeral arrangements: Mass State Police announce active duty passing of detective assigned to the Cape and Islands

CAPE CODStatement from State Police Association of Massachusetts: The State Police Association of Massachusetts regrets to announce the sudden passing of our member, Sergeant Gregory Furtado, of the 79th Recruit Training Troop,. currently assigned to Cape & Islands State Police Detective Unit.

Funeral arrangements are as follows. The wake will be held on Wednesday, December 6th at the Cartmell-David Funeral Home at 373 Court St. in Plymouth from 3 PM to 7 AM. The funeral will be on Thursday, December 7th at Saint Peters Church at 86 Court St. in Plymouth at 11 AM.

For now, our thoughts are with Sergeant Furtado’s wife, children, and coworkers as well as their family and friends as they process this tragic loss. Troopers from our Employee Assistance Unit are available and we encourage any members struggling with his loss to reach out.

We ask that the public and media respect the privacy of Sergeant Furtado’s family and friends during this difficult time. Further updates will be provided by the Association as them become available.

737 West Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
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