BOURNE – A supervised, four-inmate work crew from the Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office has joined with volunteers from Friends of the Bourne Public Library in a common assignment: setting up tables and loading them with books for the Friends’ annual book sale.
The sale will be held Thursday at the Bourne Public Library from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 9 to 5:30, and Saturday from 9 to 3. More than 1,500 volumes – all subjects – will be available for deep-discount purchase. CDs, DVDs, and books on tape will also be available.
This isn’t the first time inmate labor has been enlisted in a library cause. The shed holding the books for sale (seen among photos here) was actually built by inmates as part of an earlier project.
As Sheriff Jim Cummings put it: “We’re always glad to help the people who help us — young and old alike — expand our knowledge.”
Media release and photos furnished by Barnstable Sheriff’s Office