UPDATED: Four Arrested in Bourne on Fisheries Violations – Vessel, Trailer, Vehicle Impounded and Gear Seized

– On Sunday at approximately 2:19 PM, an Environmental Police Officer was conducting recreational marine fisheries inspections on vessels returning to Taylor Point Marina in Bourne.

Upon approaching a vessel that had just hauled out, the Officer observed one of the four males on the vessel run up a hill towards the rail road tracks with a white bucket. The male then dumped a quantity of fish behind some bushes.

The Officer approached the male with the bucket and observed six small Black Sea Bass on the ground. The Officer placed the male party in handcuffs and recovered the fish. He escorted the male party back to the vessel and the three other occupants. The Officer asked all four individuals if there were any more Black Sea Bass in the vessel. They all responded no.

An Environmental Police Lieutenant arrived to assist and upon inspecting the vessel the Lieutenant located 17 more Black Sea Bass and 5 Scup hidden in the transom of the vessel. A closer inspection of all 23 Black Sea Bass and the 5 Scup found them all to be under the legal size limit.

All four occupants of the vessel were taken into custody and transported to the Bourne State Police Barracks. The vessel, trailer, and vehicle were impounded and all fishing gear was seized as evidence. At the Barracks they were booked on the following charges:
1. Failure to display catch upon demand;
2. Possession of 23 Black Sea Bass during the closed season for Black Sea Bass;
3. Possession of 23 Black Sea Bass less than the legal size;
4. Possession of 5 Scup less than the legal size.

Recreational Black Sea Bass season ended at midnight on August 29, 2017 and during the season Black Sea Bass must measure 15 inches to be legally possessed. Recreational Scup must measure 10 inches to be legally possessed and the possession limit is 30 fish per angler up to 150 per vessel.

All four will be arraigned at Falmouth District Court on Monday morning. Due to the storage, handling, and size of the seized catch, it was deemed not viable for human consumption and was returned to the sea.

UPDATE: Son Nguyen, Hai Nguyen, Lam Nguyen, and Raymond Ung, of the greater Springfield area, were each arraigned at Falmouth District Court on Monday and pleaded guilty. They were each fined $1,000 and the fishing gear and coolers used in the commissions of the violations were forfeited to the Commonwealth.
Media release and photo furnished by Mass Environmental Police

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