Special report: Five alarm fire breaks out at Hyannis hotel that was scene of three alarm fire in 2016

Reader photo by Ron

Photos and video below by Will Moore/CWN

hy042521.3gp from Cape Wide News LLC on Vimeo.

HYANNIS – Fire broke out at a hotel in Hyannis about 2:30 PM Sunday. An automatic alarm summoned firefighters to the Hyannis Harbor Hotel at 213 Ocean Street where they discovered a fire in the walls between two rooms. Firefighters stretched a line to extinguish the fire but the fire apparently spread up to the second floor and into the attic and through the roof causing officials to strike five alarms bringing in multiple mutual aid units from as far away as Joint Base Cape Cod and the Outer Cape. No injuries were reported. The State Fire Marshal’s office was called to investigate the cause of the fire.

Slide show of images from John P. Carroll/CWN:


Image 3 of 10

Another three-alarm fire happened at the same hotel on November 28th, 2016 (see original story here).

Fire at Hyannis Harbor Hotel on November 28th, 2016.
Photo by John P. Carroll/CWN file

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Hyannis, MA 02601
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