Underground propane tank begins leaking after valve run over in Orleans

ORLEANS – Orleans Fire-Rescue reports that at 8:25 AM Wednesday morning crews responded to a leaking underground propane tank at 9 Higgins Way off Kescayogansentt Road. The valves for the 1000 gallon tank had been struck by a construction vehicle. There was an active and significant leak on the arrival of Engine 175 and Car 179 (Deputy Chief). Due to the type of hazard, an additional engine was called for from Harwich Fire Department. The Orleans Police Department assisted in checking neighboring homes and establishing a safe area. A representative of the propane company arrived about 1 hour later and secured the leak. Surrounding homes were metered for propane to ensure safety. All units cleared by 10:30 AM.

Media release and photos furnished by Orleans Fire-Rescue/CWN

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