Brewster Firefighters participate in “Nozzle Forward” engine company training program

HYANNIS – On May 1st and 2nd, Brewster Firefighters Chad Foakes, Matt Tucker, Michael Herrmann, Jared Hogg, and Tim Druckenbrod participated in a nationally recognized and awarded hands-on fire training program titled “Nozzle Forward” at the Barnstable County Fire Academy. The program which focused on the safe and effective implementation of the three main components of engine company operations; fire behavior, hose management, and fire attack was taught by a cadre of firefighters from Seattle WA, and other West Coast fire departments. Attendees included more than 70 firefighters from across Cape Cod, other regions of the United States, and Canada.  

The Brewster Fire Department would like thank the outstanding instructor staff in particular their lead Aaron Fields, Orleans Deputy Chief Geoff Deering, Academy Director George Russel, and Academy Co-Director Paul Tucker for bringing this valuable and dynamic training to Cape Cod.

Media release and photos furnished by Brewster Fire
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