Barnstable Police seek public input on facial hair policy for officers

HYANNIS – From Barnstable Police: It has been the policy for many decades that Police Officers at the Barnstable Police Department are prohibited from growing facial hair. This policy has been adhered to in an effort to create a professional and approachable police force. The premise of the policy is that beards are unprofessional and make an officer less approachable to the general public. It is the mission of our department to provide this great community with exceptional police services, but more than that, we want our community to feel as though the Officers that serve the community are approachable and represent the community they serve.
That being said, as times change so do trends, styles, and fashion. More and more men are wearing beards and goatees these days. This facial hair policy is currently under review by the Chief of Police. Many Officers would like to wear a beard or goatee, and have been requesting a policy change for years which we will be allowing on a trial basis.
We have relaxed our facial hair standard in past years for charity (No Shave November and many others) and it has been very effective in raising money for the needy in the community. During this time we have received more compliments than complaints about the extra hair on our Officers faces. We recognize that this may just be because of the charity effort.
The change would be to allow beards or goatees year around. We would not be abandoning our Movember charity or other charities we currently donate to. We do not want to compromise our professionalism or to become less approachable to the public as a result. Our relationship with our community is paramount and so we would appreciate your insight.

Should we keep it or cut it?

Please let us know what you think. Should the Chief of Police adjust the facial hair policy to include a well trimmed and neatly manicured beard or goatee? Or should we keep our policy the way it has been for decades.
Thanks for your input.
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Hyannis, MA 02601
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