HARWICH – The Harwich Do Not Drink order has been lifted following state water quality tests. The following is the full statement from the town.
The Water Department is happy to report that the water sample test results taken in response to the firefighting foam incident have indicated no detection of firefighting foam. The Massachusetts Department of Environment Protection has given the Town the approval to lift the Do Not Drink order effective immediately.
The official certificate of analysis along with a map identifying the sample locations tested on 4/10 is available on the town’s website. In acknowledgement of the ongoing public concern the water department has collected an additional 5 samples today 4/11 and will continue to monitor and publish the test results to the Town’s website.
Although there has been no detection of Foam in the samples taken, residents may experience discoloration due to flushing operations. Residents who experience discolored water are encouraged to flush their home plumbing system by running all interior & exterior cold water taps simultaneously for approximately 10 minutes. Once completed, hot water fixtures should be run until the water runs cold ensuring a full flushing of the home’s hot water tank. Homes with tankless water heaters should run all hot water fixtures simultaneously for 10 minutes.