Environmental Film Series To Be Held In Provincetown On Earth Day Weekend

PROVINCETOWN – The Provincetown Film Society (PFS) and the Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) are partnering to present “Planet PTown”, an environmental film series to be held on Earth Day weekend from April 21 to 23 featuring short and feature-length films centered around the ocean, climate change, and citizen science.

Friday night will kick off at 7 pm with a screening of “Deep Rising”, a 2023 documentary covering the relationship between the deep ocean and life on Earth that premiered at Sundance Film Festival in January.

Saturday will feature a variety of award-winning short films, including “Spinnaker”, the life-story of a humpback whale that was the film’s namesake by Provincetown filmmaker Nadine Licoste, and two films by wildlife photographer Morgan Heim, followed by a discussion with filmmakers and CCS staff.

The weekend will conclude on Sunday with an 11 am screening of “Last of the Right Whales”, which showcases the stories of people researching and protecting the critically endangered species, including the CCS Right Whale Ecology Team and footage of the whales in Cape Cod Bay.

Series passes including admission to all programs will be sold to the general public for $45, and $35 for PFS and CCS members, while admission to watch individual films is $20 for the public and $15 for members of both organizations.

Films will be presented at the Water’s Edge Cinema on 237 Commercial Street.

Click here to learn more.


By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewCenter

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