Meet Cooper! This big 97lb. boy is a 1 year old Lab mix who is looking to be your next best friend! He will need some time to warm up to you before he can show off his true personalities. Once he knows you he can be a bit enthusiastic, so he will need some help refining his manners using positive reinforcement and lots of patience/management to help him get it right. He has very limited history with dogs in the past, he could potentially live with another dog in the future pending a slow introduction, but he says no thanks to dog parks. He could live in a home with older, sturdy kids who won’t mind a bouncy dog and that could participate in training this exuberant boy!
If you are interested in adopting Cooper, head to to fill out an inquiry today!
Looking for a Pet?
The MSPCA Cape Cod has dogs and cats that need good homes! Please visit their location in Centerville! Each week,, in conjunction with 99.9 the Q, picks an animal and tries to help find a home for that animal. See below for all the animals that we’ve helped and that are available still!