HYANNIS – The state is advising residents that federal COVID-19 pandemic relief funds to help with food costs are set to end soon.
Massachusetts has set up a new website to help households prepare as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Emergency Allotments are coming to a close next month.
Congress decided to end the benefits as part of a recently-passed spending bill, meaning households will receive their last emergency allotment on March 2.
In a video on the state’s new site, Associate Commissioner Brittany Mangini reminded residents that unused SNAP benefits rollover from month to month, so some benefits could be saved to be used after the extra payments end in March.
The payments have been made up of the difference between the minimum benefit amount of $95 and the maximum household size.
Massachusetts has been utilizing the funds since March 2020. The emergency allotments have led to $95 million of federal funds coming into the state each month to help over 630,000 households with food expenses.
People can contact the DTA to inform them of any changes that could lead to more regular SNAP benefits like certain medical expenses, increased housing costs, or expenses related to child care or disabled adult care.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter