PLYMOUTH – Holtec International has issued a statement saying that it will not be dumping radioactive water from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station decommissioning process into Cape Cod Bay anytime soon.
In the statement issued by Government Affairs and Communications Senior Manager Patrick O’Brien, Holtec addresses questions and concerns raised during recent meetings by the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (NDCAP).
“We have been consistent in our messaging since that meeting that over the next year we will be evaluating the regulatory approved options available and no final decisions have been made. The EPA and NRC have strict regulations regarding the disposition of all effluents from any decommissioning site and Holtec confirms that these requirements will be followed in all states where we conduct operations,” said O’Brien in the statement.
“We wanted to share that in the near term the decision at Pilgrim has been made that the processed water will remain on site, safely stored, and that we will not discharge any processed water in 2022 while this evaluation is undertaken.”
O’Brien said that Holtec understands the public’s questions and concerns, and will remain committed to an open and transparent communication process as the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant continues.
Other means of disposal for Holtec to utilize include shipping the water to a specialized treatment company in Idaho, as well as evaporation methods.