4Cs Offers STEM Opportunities For Teachers Across State

WEST BARNSTABLE- Cape Cod Community College is now accepting applications for their “Teacher-in-Residence” program.

Through the program, Pre-K through 12 STEM teachers would be given externships with host institutions.

The externships last two weeks and will present participants with a $1000 stipend upon completion.

A $500 travel stipend is also included in the program, which seeks to present teachers with new and innovative methods to get young people interested in STEM.

This is the program’s seventh year, and 4C’s hopes to focus on assisting communities that are usually under-represented in STEM fields.

Institutions that previously participated in the program include the Whydah Pirate Museum, The Marine Biological Laboratory, and Atlantic White Shark Conservancy.

One of the goals of the externships is to have participants create a project with members of their organization of residence.

The program is made possible through contributions from a grant from the Woods Hole Sea Grant.

Maura MacDonald, CapeCod.com NewsCenter


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