PROVINCETOWN – The Town of Provincetown has planned a public information meeting in November to discuss the project to plan, design and construct roadway improvements along Shank Painter Road and Route 6.
The meeting, scheduled for Monday, November 19 at 5:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, will be held by the Provincetown Department of Public Works with the assistance of Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide the public with another opportunity to become fully acquainted with the goals of the proposed project and to solicit input for consideration as design plans advance. The project seeks to improve vehicular access and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.
A summary of existing deficiencies and evaluations of the project corridor will be provided. The previously established preferred alternative will be presented again to facilitate the conversation and to solicit input.
Comments received at past public outreach will be discussed along with subsequent alterations made around existing site constraints. After the presentation, the design team will meet one‐on‐one with local abutters to discuss any specific concerns.
The input will be used to refine the design and to select components or features that will be included in the advanced design. Future meetings will take place throughout the design process to continue public involvement as components of the project are further detailed.
The proposed project is anticipated to include improvements to traffic circulation and safety, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Shank Painter Road from the intersection of Bradford Street to the intersection of Route 6 for an approximate length of 2,900 feet. It will also include a 1.1 mile segment of Route 6 to link pedestrian and bicycle accommodations from Shank Painter Road to Herring Cove Beach and the National Seashore.
By TIM DUNN, News Center